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‘Sense’ No Fear- Outsmart the Stress Response

We all have the inner wisdom required to reduce stress as it’s happening in the moment. With practice, you can learn to tap into this wisdom and identify the stress triggers, helping you stay in control when the pressure builds. Learning mindfulness techniques and stress reduction tools can alter neural pathways, reduce unhelpful habitual reactivity and provide effective relief from the primal stress response. Like any skill, mindfulness takes some self-exploration, discipline and regular practice. However, there are simple and effective ways to reduce the impact of stress straight away.

Make SENSE of the Situation

 When our bodies “fight, flight, freeze” state continues repeatedly, a heightened state of physiological and psychological hyper-arousal occurs. This state is characterised by significant muscle tension and strong emotions. The stress response is a hard-wired physiological response to ‘perceived threat’.  This is where things get rather interesting. The body’s perception of a ‘perceived threat’ is rarely accurate or true. Unfortunately, the body can also overreact to stressors that are not life-threatening, such as traffic jams, work pressures, and relationship difficulties.

The good news is you can ‘outsmart’ this overactive physiological stress response. Studies show that you can feel better immediately by engaging the five senses—and that stands to reason when you consider how the demands of modern life disconnect the mind from the body. The quickest way to stamp out stress and to calm your nervous system is to move out of your ‘head’ and into your ‘body’. This can be done quickly and easily by engaging one or more of your senses—your sense of sight, sound, taste, smell, or touch. The practice of using your senses immediately sends a signal to the brain’s limbic system to let the body know it is safe from harm and danger. This rapidly stabilises your emotions and will calm and ground you in the present moment.

The key to practicing quick stress relief of this manner is learning what kind of sensory input helps your particular nervous system find calm and focus quickly. Everyone responds to sensory input a little differently, so it’s essential to discover your personal preferences.

The Power of The Present 

Regular activation of the senses in the present moment can stimulate and boost various areas of the brain’s pre-frontal cortex. This provides a disconnection of our mind from its “stress centre”, giving rise to a range of physical as well as mental health benefits.

Simply put, using our senses and being mindful in the moment calms our nervous system. While stress activates the “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system, mindfulness meditation activates the “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous system, helping to put a break on the stress response. Our heart rate drops, our respiration slows and our blood pressure falls.

MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness practice, the brain’s “fight, flight, freeze” centre, the amygdala, appears to shrink. This primal region of the brain, associated with fear and emotion, is involved in the initiation of the body’s response to stress.

As the amygdala shrinks, the pre-frontal cortex – associated with higher order brain functions such as awareness, concentration and decision-making – becomes thicker. The “functional connectivity” between these regions – i.e. how often they are activated together – also changes. The connection between the amygdala and the rest of the brain gets weaker, while the connections between areas associated with attention and concentration get stronger.

Beat the Stress at Work

  • Be mindful Practice being mindful in each moment. Slow down, smell and taste your food, listen to others attentively. Practice a mindfulness exercise. Focus on your breathing to help you really stay focused on what you are doing in that very moment. Feel your body in space as you sit at your desk or move.
  • In meetings. During stressful or tense meetings, always remember the breath is easily accessible and can anchor you to the present moment immediately. Remain connected to your breath. Notice how your abdomen rises and falls with each inbreath and each outbreath. Notice the touch of the chair underneath you or feel the floor beneath your feet.  Massage the tips of your fingers. Wiggle your toes. Smell your coffee and drink it slowly.
  • On the phone. Smell something energising, like lemon and ginger tea or a fresh coffee. Try to walk as much as possible when on the phone. If you can go outside notice your surroundings and quietly repeat to yourself how many colours you can see around you (e.g blue sky, green tree etc)
  • On the computer. Stand up regularly. Look outside if you are near a window to connect with nature. Shades of blue and green, as well as neutral earth tones, have calming effects through their associations with nature. Wrap a soft scarf around your neck. Try sucking on a peppermint.
  • During lunch breaks. Take a walk around the block or in the parking lot. Listen to soothing music while eating. Eat mindfully, make sure your mind is not wandering- be present with each mouthful. Have a quick chat with a loved one or close friend.
  • At Your Desk Display family photos of your loved ones or pets on your desk and use images of nature or special places to remind you of your life outside the office. If you are near the window, look outside regularly and connect with as many senses as possible.

For more information about our 8 week mindfulness-based stress resilience program ‘Wise’ please visit

Executive Coaching – A HEAD for Work

Focus. Attention. Connection. At Ease. 

Distraction, Disattention, Disconnection, “Dis-ease”.

Executives are constantly “on”. There is very little escape from the constantly frantic 24/7 world. The result can be burnout – both physically and mentally. Compelling science is now confirming ancient wisdom: mindfulness training enhances mental performance, reduces stress and produces favourable business outcomes, making the ability to develop mindfulness one of the most important skills of the 21st century.

Cultivating Excellence – Wise Leadership

Many leading companies around the world are recognising the benefits of mindful leadership coaching. Modern leadership is about how well we use our minds and the quality of our relationships with others. Rather than simply focusing on business as usual, innovative organisations are turning to mind fitness and inner skills as a way of promoting the capacity to thrive and flourish.

Mindful leaders are authentic and real. They understand how to respond wisely to stress and learn the skills to allow more intelligent and creative choices in challenging situations. Mindful leaders learn the skills necessary to create high quality relationships, rather than a culture of stress.

The Wise Choice

With almost three decades of published research the benefits of mindfulness are well documented. Scientific research has shown that an 8 week mindfulness meditation course can lead to structural brain changes in grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection.

Our mindfulness-based stress resilience program ‘Wise’ is an inspiring 8 week program which will help employees improve their self-awareness, self-management and self-regulation. Tailored to the workplace, it has specifically been developed to help participants develop the inner wisdom required for generating mental, physical and psychological resilience and positive change.

The Wise Program improves an individual’s awareness and attention, develops greater focus and emotional intelligence, and improves cognitive function and performance. The mindfulness attitudes and qualities create greater performance, compassion and discernment to help individuals and organisations flourish.

More information about our Mindful Leadership/ Executive Coaching program can be found at Alternatively, you can call 0401 358 309 or send us an email. We look forward to connecting with you.

Be Mindful. Be Present. Be Wise.

Wise Mindfulness in the Workplace

We are very excited to see our workplace health and stress resilience programs  on the Channel 9 news. As a mental health practitioner it is pleasing to see an increasing number of employers recognising the benefits of mindfulness and meditation programs at work. With ongoing support and collaboration with mental health organisations such as ‘Heads Up’ and ‘Beyond Blue’, mindfulness coaching and a regular mindfulness practice can cultivate positive outcomes for both the employee and the organisation.

Mental health injuries not only result in significant costs for organisations but when employees are constantly on ‘auto-pilot’ then productivity is also reduced. We like to think of the opposite of mindfulness as ‘mindlessness‘ which is really when we aren’t paying attention, we aren’t listening properly, we aren’t tasting our food and the world passes us by without us really being here for it. In this way, mindfulness programs can lead to greater sense of well-being, improved work engagement and life satisfaction, and a greater sense of value within the organisation.

Attention training has proven physical and psychological benefits and can greatly reduce mental health risk factors in the workplace. Our 8 week mindfulness- based stress resilience program, ‘Wise’, is a holistic approach to stress prevention. A regular mindfulness practice over 8 weeks can produce significant positive changes in brain grey matter and neuroplasticity. This reshapes the brain towards greater calm and compassion, helping staff generate the inner wisdom necessary for stress resilience.

Through participation in the ‘Wise’ program employees strengthen their ability to cope with the challenges of everyday life, stress, suffering and pain. They are better able to deal with difficult events with more grace and composure and learn how to be more present and happy, with a stable mind.